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TO KNOW MYSELF, BY MYSELF, FOR MYSELF ~ Solitude Retreat Insights

Writer's picture: Pranalife Thrive CenterPranalife Thrive Center

Updated: Apr 19, 2024

Me as an Observer to Myself ~ Who Am I?

Written on 4th day of my retreat.

Vipassana is a teachnique discovered by Gautama Buddha. This technique's purity was preserved in Burma. Vipassana means 'INSIGHTS'. It is about the Universal Law of Nature of Dhamma applicable to all irrespective of religions, belief, cast or sect etc.

The technique is based on teh observation of reality AS IT IS (Yatha Bootha) and does not involve focusing on any imagery sound or external objects. The OBJECTIVE of this technique is to purify the mind by removing all its defilements which are all basically the cravings and aversions we feel consciously or sub-consciously.

The purification is based on three very important parts ~ SHEELA, SAMMA SAMADHI AND PANYA.

SHEELA means living a life of morality which include not harming any living beings with thoughts, words or actions, not stealing, not lying, no sexual misconduct and not intoxicating oneself (presumably because it leads to the other four).

SAMADHI is the mastery of the mind, which involves developing the faculty of the mind and train it to pay attention to the reality as it is without getting distracted with all the chatter that usually goes on in our mind. This is challenging for many of us. The difference between this technique and others is that the Samadhi here is a SAMMA SAMADHI which means it is taken on the Foundation of Morality (SHEELA).

Third part of Vipassana is about PANYA, which is the actual purification of the mind. Purification means the removal of cravings and aversions and remaining EQUINIMOUS to all things we experience.

This is Buddha's discovery and his contribution to mankind; He found out how to practically eradicate all cravings and aversions from our minds which are the root of all miseries one experience. This is why this technique works at direct experience level; you are not supposed to believe in it because the Buddha said so or your teachers told you so or some scriptures prescribes it. You are suppose to understand it directly through your own felt experience.

And when you do so, there is complete dissolution of the ego.

MIND has four main parts which generates the feeling of 'I' ~ PERCEPTION, COGNITION, FEELING, REACTION.

This means whenever you have an external stimuli, your cognition analyses the stimuli, your feeling part immediately designates it as good or bad and the reacting part of the mind generates a reaction or a 'sankhara' (the term Sankhara is karmically active volition or intention, which generates rebirth and influences the realm of rebirth. Sankhara herein is synonymous with karma, and includes actions of the body, speech and mind.) This then committed to memory.

Small desires start ===> Cravings ===> Clinging ===> Obsession / Addiction, in turn causes the lost balance of the mind and it is a repeated cycles. If you think about it, you are not craving for the object, you are addicted to the sensation.

These Sankharas or reactions are what cause the misery, i.e cravings and aversions and we generate them almost every moment of the day. In order to get rid of ourselves of the miseries, we need to stop generating reactions.

We are human beings or social beings hence this cannot be done by not having any external stimuli (or destroying all external objects of the world) or by shutting down all our perceptions.

What can be done thou' is to control our reactions by remaining equanimous. Many teachers, scholars, scientist and philosophers understand that external stimuli are perceived by us, analysed by our minds that then generates a reactions.

In order to stop generating a reaction, Buddha discovered that we do not actually react to the object directly but in fact, we react to the sensations our body produce when in contact with an external stimuli. So if we can become aware of the sensations our bodies experience when confronted with a stimuli, it is in our power to choose to remain equanimous to those sensations instead of generating a reaction or sankhara.

By remaining aware and equanimous to these sensations, we stop generating reactions, which means we remain equanimous to all cravings and aversions which in turn eradicate all our present and (over time) past miseries.

This link between the subconscious and experiential mind with the physical body was the core part of Vipassana technique as discovered by Buddha. What he discovered and what we can actually directly experience ourself is that these sensations are constantly changing at a rapid pace. Therefore, he concluded that it is pointless to react to something so ephemeral and substance less.

This led to a revelation of the true law of nature that everything is constantly changing at a very rapid pace. This is Dhamma. He further concluded that the law of nature is such that everything has a cause and effect chain - many nested and interlinked. Also part of Dhamma. By constantly generating cravings and aversions, we keep adding to this cause and effect chain, never being able to get away from all miseries.

In order to break this chain, the only way is to stop generating more sankharas or reactions.

By understanding this reactions between mind and matter, we understand the true reality and can stop generating reactions, break this cause and effect chain and experience the complete dissolution of the ego aka liberation aka become an ARIHANT (a soul who has conquered inner passions such as attachment, anger, pride and greed. That possess pure infinite knowledge.)

Once our understanding goes beyond mind and matter, we realise the ultimate truth i.e become enlightened which is what Buddha was.

By dissolving our ego completely, we develop true wisdom and tap into infinite amounts of love, compassion and good will within us. We also break the chain of rebirths because there is nothing more left for our soul to react to.

Written on 10th day of my retreat.

In just one year, a big change started to manifest in my life, in my outlook, in my dealings with different situations. Since I started my spiritual path, I started realising that the path does not teach us to run away from problems. It is not ostrich escapism. We have to face the hard realities of the life and life lesson is Merciless !!!

However, if we are able to learn the lesson, it gives us the necessary strength to face them with Peace and Equanimity of mind. It gives us an "Art of Living' ~ Living Harmoniously with our own selves and with all those whom we come in contact in the social field. The gradual purification from Pranic Healing, Meditation on Twin Heart and now, Vipassana Meditation keeps on making the mind calm, clear, rational and steady. It gradually takes away the confusion and cloudiness, the tensions and turmoils, the waverings and doubts of the mind, as a result of which its capacity to work increases many-fold. My concentration start working more effectively, efficiently and with tremendous work.

My soul is being taught 'The art of Sane Life", which is more valuable than all the material wealth. This gives me the aspiration to explore deeply into the Eight Noble Path taught by Buddha.

Am I getting religious? Definition of Religion. "A Particular System of Faith and Worship" or "A Pursuit or Interest Followed with Great Devotion".

Now, what is the essence of Devotion? Devotion is divided into 2 categories:

1) Blind Devotion

2) Purity Devotion

Blind devotion is when one follows a faith blindly. Example, when one is in financial difficulties, without working, light a josstick and pray ~ 'please give me some money and if you grant my wish, I will buy a whole chicken and pray to you as a reward!!' That sounds like a 'Barter Trade' with God or Deities!, whoever one is praying to. If money could appear or drop from the sky, I think everyone of us would be Super Billionaire!

Now, Purity devotion is devotion with intelligence. It is a devotion towards the quality of the person or deities. This devotion creates an aspiration of the quality and one work and practise towards it. Example, if it is the qualities of the Buddha, full of compassion, then one will need to plant 'the seed of compassion' in oneself, for one to reap it when ripe. That is the law of nature.

Buddha's teachings is about the way of life. If one would like to come out of miseries and sufferings and be liberated, Buddha gave us the steps by steps to do it.

Step 1


Behaviour discipline / morality / virtues

Step 2

Samma Samadhi

Unification of mind, concentration from a pure mind, individual and universal consciousness unite, free from cravings, aversions, objects, imaginations.

Step 3


Knowledge and Wisdom acquired from direct spiritual experience. Equanimity of one mind is at the deepest of the mind (dissolution of the 'Ego').

In Pranic Healing's teachings:

Step 1 ~ Character Building (Sheela)

Step 2 & 3 ~ Meditation of Twin Heart (Samma Samadhi and Panya)

In Meditation of Twin Heart, now I understand when Grand Master Chua Kok Sui say, between the two 'Oms' there is a gap and stillness, concentrate on the stillness is important, that is where that stillness gets one to samma-samadhi and then the long stillness gets one into Panya.

Step 4 ~ Metta

Loving Kindness, friendliness, goodwill, benevolence, fellowship, non-violence, forgiveness, 'universal love'.

True Metta is devoid of self interest. It evokes within a warm-hearted feeling of fellowship, sympathy and love, which grows boundless with practise and overcomes all social, religious, racial, political and economic barriers. Metta is indeed a universal, unselfish and all-embracing love. Just like a mother gives her own life to protect her child, so Metta only gives and never wants anything in return.

If these qualities of Metta are sufficiently cultivated ~ meditation on universal love (i.e Meditation on Twin Heart). The result is the acquisition of a tremendous inner power which preserves, protects and heal both oneself and other.

Today Metta is a pragmatic necessity. In a world menaced by all kind of destructiveness Metta in Deed, Words and Thoughts is the only constructive means to bring concord, peace and mutual understandings. This in return gave me a clear understanding when we practice "blessing the world" in Meditation of Twin Heart.

Before, I started this solitude meditation, a very close friend said to me, "I am sure when you finish this retreat, you are able to look at things in a different way." It is indeed very true. I definitely am looking at things with a new lense. I might not have gotten all the answers I am seeking, however, I feel it is enough for now ~ Fundamental for me to move forward in my personal life and be of service to those who are in need in the inner and physical world.

My deepest gratitude to my family and closest friends who have been supporting me and making this solitude possible. And my deepest gratitude to my guides for their guidance and protections in my journey esp now in this noble path.

"As you develop, the people around you also develop. As you progress, the world progresses with you to a certain degree." ~ GMCKS ~ Golden Lotus Sutra.

SPIRITUALITY is not about religion, beliefs, dogmas, it is about MASTERING The SKILLS to LIVE LIFE TO THE FULLEST.

We all want to lead more balanced, joyful, and fulfilled lives.

I hope you find this information helpful, or at least enlightening to some degree, and please share with your friends as this knowledge might help them to find their centre and manifest towards a healthy lifestyle and be able to enjoy life to the fullest.

Peace and Love to all 💞

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