"You are energy, your world is energy and everything in your world is energy. What allows you to experience others and for them to experience you is energy.”
So, the Big Secret is....ENERGY !!!
Everything is energy. And everything that has form has its own unique energy signature, a sort of invisible fingerprint.
So when it comes to relationships, we are attracted to the kind of energy signature that feels familiar and comfortable to our own. At the same time, we are repelled when someone’s energy is unfamiliar, not in harmony or dissonant with our own.
Passing Down the Pain
Do you ever wonder why so many women who grew up in abusive homes fall in love with abusive men? Or why a person with an alcoholic parent attracts an alcoholic mate? You’d think if someone grew up watching the misery that stems from abuse or alcoholism, they’d run in the opposite direction. More often, patterns of severe relationship problems, such as addiction and abuse, repeat generation after generation. Unless you are able to consciously identify and changed that pattern.
What’s at work is the Law of Attraction which states, “like energy attracts like energy.”
You: The Radio Tower
Your body is like a radio tower, constantly broadcasting your unique energy signal into the world. People and situations that match your signal are attracted to your life, dramatising your consciousness on the screen of your reality.
Your energy signal is a combination of your conscious thoughts and unconscious thoughts, feelings, beliefs, attitudes, memories and unexpressed emotions. But here’s the problem. Neuroscientists have found that we spend only about five percent of our waking hours operating from our conscious mind, which means being fully present in the moment and making conscious choices.
The other 95 percent of the time, our unconscious mind is in control because we are replaying the past, worrying about the future or emotionally triggered into automatic reactions. That means the energy signal coming from your unconscious mind is 95 percent more powerful in determining your life experience.
That explains why, if you grew up in a home steeped in emotional, mental or physical abuse, you will unconsciously broadcast the “abuse signal.” So even if you wouldn’t harm a fly, you unconsciously attract abusive people or situations.
Relationships form when two people with similar energy signatures are attracted. Relationships break up when the energy changes and is no longer in sync.
For Instance…
Bob and Angela have been married for three years and the relationship has been going down a rocky road from day one. For the past year, Bob has been having an affair with a girl at the office. He’s been very discreet and continues to do everything Angela asks him to do. He jumps through hoops as she changes her mind and tries to figure out what she wants and makes him responsible for providing it.
Angela hasn’t found any evidence of the infidelity. Yet she senses that something is wrong with Bob and goes into a jealous fit whenever Bob even looks at another woman for more than a few seconds. Bob, on the other hand, doesn’t seem to have a jealous bone in his body, which further enrages Angela because she thinks that means that he doesn’t care.
On the outside it doesn’t look like they have the same issue, but they both suffer from low self-esteem and insecurity. They match at an energetic level, magnetically pulling each other into their lives to play the same roles in the same drama that began in early childhood.
Throughout her dating career, Angela had a pattern of attracting men who cheat on her. In her early childhood, her mother had the same experience and left her with the imprinted belief that men can‘t be trusted.
Bob’s father didn’t cheat on his mother, but he couldn’t hold a job for very long, fell into deep depression and suffered with one illness after another. This forced his mom to work and provide for the family. At home, his mother criticised Bob’s father, her boss and her male co-workers. In his early childhood, Bob was bombarded with messages and examples that men can‘t be trusted.
At age 33, Bob’s got a good job and is a good provider. And even though he bends over backwards to please her, Angela continues to be hypercritical; just like his mother. So he seeks out the affections of another woman who makes him feel good about himself. See how this couple’s patterns support each other?

It‘s Not Conscious!
Here’s the thing to remember… all of this is subconscious. Bob and Angela don’t want relationship problems. Yet they can’t understand how or why they find themselves in the same situation that brought them so much pain as children. It’s because the frequency of their patterns brought them together and their subconscious relationship programs play out the old familiar drama.
The Real Cause of Breakups
We can make up all kinds of reasons why we break up. We can blame our partner, blame ourselves or blame our parents for the poor example they set. But the truth is that relationships break up when the partners’ energies no longer resonate.
Relationship Insurance
The best way to ensure that you will attract a great partner and enjoy a long and happy relationship is to broadcast your pure, true heart and soul signal. If you are currently between relationships, this is a great time to purify the subconscious relationship programs that you inherited and absorbed in childhood. Purge the layer of unexpressed emotions from your energy field.
When you broadcast your true soul signal, your soulmate and soul family will be able to find you. Once you find each other, consciously commit to raising your vibes and growing together.
Heal yourself, there are many healing modalities that are able to help you. Choose one that resonates with you.
One of the modality in Pranic healing is called Pranic Psychotherapy, offers you the ability to quickly and safely release negative thoughts, negative patterns and emotions like fear, anger and resentment that may be limiting you from your greater potential to enjoy a happier life with your partner.
SPIRITUALITY is not about religion, beliefs, dogmas, it is about MASTERING The SKILLS to LIVE LIFE TO THE FULLEST.
Each of us will want to lead more balanced, joyful, and fulfilled lives.
I hope you find this information helpful, or at least enlightening to some degree, and please share with your friends as this knowledge might help them to find their centre and manifest towards a healthy lifestyle and be able to enjoy life to the fullest.
Peace and Love to all 💞
PranaLife Thrive Centre
Contact us @ 011 1670 3368