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The Law of Correspondences - To Create Your Dream Reality

Writer's picture: Pranalife Thrive CenterPranalife Thrive Center

Updated: Apr 19, 2024

“The lips of wisdom are closed, except to Understanding.” In order to understand, there must be “light. Understanding leads to wisdom. Wisdom can be passed on but only to those who are willing to experience, master, and better themselves. Note that wisdom is the higher octave of learning, meaning that one can learn something to get by in life but still not have wisdom.

Many of us know that the universe is run by a set of laws. And Law of Correspondences is one of them.

How do we use the Law of Correspondences to create our dream reality?

“The state of your life is nothing more than a reflection of the state of your mind.” —Wayne Dyer

In The Kybalion, a study of The Hermetic Philosophy of Ancient Egypt and Greece and based on the teachings of Hermes Trismegistus, it states “as above so below” and “as within so without”. In other words, our outer world reflects our inner world.

Our predominant thoughts and feelings on a conscious level create the reality that we perceive.

On a physical level, think of a tree, a simple example. The outward appearance of the tree is a result of what’s happening beneath the surface at the roots. If the tree’s roots are constricted and it doesn’t receive enough nourishment from the Earth, it’s growth is affected. If the tree’s roots have all the nourishment needed from the earth, it will grow to its full potential. The canopy and fruit of the tree will be healthy and lush.

On a mental level, think of your state of mind. If your predominant thoughts focus on a state of lack, you’ll never feel abundant. If you’re always worried about your aches and pains, you’ll never feel healthy. If your predominant thoughts are negative or filled with anger or hostility, the world around you will appear that way.

Happiness or unhappiness is a state of mind and a direct reflection of the predominant thoughts you focus on. Eventually, negative thoughts become a self-fulfilling prophecy. The more negative you are about yourself, the more negative the outer world appears to you.

On a spiritual level, everything that is thought up on a conscious level has a corresponding origin on the spiritual level. In other words, everything is connected and in correspondence. The macrocosm is found in the microcosm and vice versa.

So how does understanding the Law of Correspondence shift our perception of the events that happen on the physical level? And how do we stay emotionally stable and wise in the midst of chaos? Let’s investigate three ways in which we can make a conscious effort to align with the Higher Self and receive its guidance at times when the lower, physical self, is presented with unpleasant circumstances:

1. The Mirror Image

When you find yourself having a negative experience, recognise that somewhere there is disharmony in your inner world, and your outer world is reflecting that back to you. In other words, your Mirror Image is not of the True Self; it is of the damaged self. You are being shown the changes that need to be made and the places in your subconscious that need to be healed. When a negative emotion is triggered, it is important to take the time to understand why you are feeling a particular way and how you are reacting to it. Are you relating to your Higher Self or to your physical self? This is an important consideration because when you access your Divine Mind, the higher part of your existence, then you allow that mirror of your I Am Presence, which is Who You Truly Are, to be revealed within your physical body. So when you take time to change the negative inner thoughts and feelings into positive affirmations, that is when you are truly aligning with your Inner Truth. It is a moment in time in which you allow the true Spirit of You to become the Physical You.

2. The Opposing Force

Once you discover the lower frequencies happening in your outer world, you can transform them by applying opposite energy. Since our energy is reflected back to us at all times, know that when you are faced with something negative, the quickest way to dissipate that energy, heal your subconscious, and connect to your Higher Self, is to react in an opposite fashion:

When you are criticised, praise someone.

When you are hurt, love someone.

When you are discouraged, encourage someone.

When you are afraid, reassure someone.

In that moment, you are mastering the ability to heal a wounded part of you. You react from your soul’s perspective, and thus, you recognise that We are One. Feed the energy that you desire, focus on good and positive thoughts, and the opportunity for healing is created.

3. The Flow of Life

Imagine yourself floating on a raft along a lazy river completely letting go and trusting in your safety. Each moment flows beautifully into the next. There isn’t a doubt or thought that something isn’t right. To live one’s life in peace and serenity is to live in harmony within the Law of Correspondence. However, when you encounter rough seas and are being tossed about, that is the wake up call that your rocky outer world requires some fine-tuning by your inner world. The only lasting change that can take place is from within, then it will show up on the outside. Real change only comes from the Higher Mind (As Above) into the Lower Mind (So Below). Many think that changing the outside temporarily will result in a new, happier life, but they soon find out, hopefully, that the only permanent change comes from the Inner Self, which should accept guidance from the Higher Self. Try to flow with life as it happens, and when you feel a jolt, stop and ask yourself where the line of communication between your Divine Self and your physical self has broken down. More than likely, you will immediately see the discrepancy, and be better prepared and aligned next time.

It has become more and more important for each of us to be responsible for our own personal evolution and growth so that the world can be Heaven on Earth. But until that time, the fundamental challenge is being honest with yourself and realising the potential you hold to create change on the inside and all around.

Based on my personal spiritual journey, the discovery of Meditation on Twin Hearts was my stepping stone, and one of the fastest and most effective ways to reach out to my higher soul and self-actualisation.

The “Twin Hearts” refers to the two heart centers that we souls in human form have:

1) the crown chakra is the gateway to spiritual enlightenment,

2) the heart chakra is the gateway for the spiritual self in our human experience.

In order for the crown chakra to be activated, the heart chakra must first be fully activated. Therefore, Meditation on Twin Hearts ® activates these two chakras.

Grand Master Choa Kok Sui, founder of modern Pranic Healing, introduced this Meditation on Twin Hearts as a form of service to the world. While practicing this meditation brings personal awareness, a beautiful sense of calm, and deep peace to the meditator, it also increases harmony and peace to the whole world as the meditator becomes a channel to bless the earth with loving-kindness.

“Meditation on Twin Hears creates a bridge between the emotional love of the incarnated soul and the Divine love of the higher soul.”

And for those who would like to dive even more deeper, could choose to pursue a course designed by Grand Master Choa Kok Sui called Achieving Oneness with the Higher Soul,

Achieving Oneness with the Higher Soul workshop is designed for those who are seeking the truth and look far beyond the physical existence; those who are interested in pursuing a spiritual path. This workshop accelerates the evolutionary process of the soul and its purpose is to accelerate the union of the Incarnated Soul (often called the personality or lower self) with the Higher Soul or Higher Self.

SPIRITUALITY is not about religion, beliefs, dogmas, it is about MASTERING The SKILLS to LIVE LIFE TO THE FULLEST.

Each of us will want to lead more balanced, joyful, and fulfilled lives.

I hope you find this information helpful, or at least enlightening to some degree, and please share with your friends as this knowledge might help them to find their centre and manifest towards a healthy lifestyle and be able to enjoy life to the fullest.

Peace and Love to all 💞

PranaLife Thrive Centre

Contact us @ 011 1670 3368

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