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A Gene Keys Guide is a role model of the contemplative way. With a lucid mind, open heart and embodied presence, the Guide is a beacon of light during uncertain times. Though the Gene Keys wisdom is a self-illuminating voyage, these teachings come to life when sharing with other like-minded, kind-hearted beings.
A Gene Keys Guide is a student with an intimate knowledge of the Gene Keys who shares, leads, guides, nurtures and directs others on a journey of self-awareness in full, or as a part of the services they offer. Guides are committed to modeling the Gene Keys Approach of “Contemplation, Inquiry, Gentleness and Patience”
~ Gene Keys

The Gene Keys are a living wisdom.
These are teachings to imbibe, contemplate and apply in your daily life.
As you allow them to percolate inside you, one by one your troubles will begin to fall away, and you will find yourself inhabiting a new and brighter life.
The books of Richard Rudd are as aspiring as they are insightful, ranging from the pragmatic to the poetic.
Companions on your journey, some offer guidance, some share Richard's own profound and mystical expriences, and some illuminate a deeper spiritual truth accessible to us all.

Together with The Gene Keys book, your Gene Keys Profile is a means of unlocking the enormous potential of your life.
Bringing together astrological calculation and the Chinese I-Ching, your profile is the original blueprint that tells you who your are, how you operate, and above all, why you are here.
For a full undestanding of your Profile please explore the Golden Path Program or contact our official Gene Keys Guide, Liza Lew here to show you how to apply this knowledge to your life.

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